Transcript Condensing and Indexing Software

for Court Reporters since 1991

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Print many pages per sheet with outstanding readability.
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As seen in the Journal of Court Reporting (JCR) magazine

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Compatible with ALL CAT Software

Advo Cat, Baron, Case Catalyst, Cheetah, Cimarron, Eclipse, Maestro, Omni Cat, Oz PC,
Premier Power, ProCAT, Spirit, StenoCAT, Stenograph (all versions),
Compatible with ALL properly created ASCII Files from Word and Word Perfect

See for yourself why other reporters upgrade from the free condensing and indexing that came bundled with their CAT software!
It's because ProTEXT is simple to use and yields the largest print in the legal industry.

ETS Inc.

POBox 200
Nephi, UT 84648


ProTEXT Condensing Software deliveres Condensed Transcripts from your ASCII file.
ProTEXT is widely used by the court reporting industry.
Our ProTEXT DEMO FREE Downloads are the most generous in the entire legal industry.
ProTEXT is the best of the Court Reporting and Condensing Software in the industry.
ProTEXT is compatible with all CAT Software and Computer Aided Transcription Software for Court Reporters.
Many of our customers use:
AdvoCAT Software, AristoCAT Software, Baron Software, Case Catalyst Software, Cheetah Software, CondenseIT Software, CompressPlus Software. DepoMerge, Eclipse, Ecoscript, etranscript software, e-transcript software, E-Transcript software, Fine Print and FinePrint. Maestro Software, MicroScope Software and Micro-Scope Software, MiniDep Software, MiniTran Software, Mini Transcript. Min-U-Script Software and Minuscript Software. Omni Cat, OZ PC Software, ProCAT Software, Premier Power Software, Pubnetics and Pubnetics Software, Rapidprint and Rapid Print. Rapidtran Software and Rapid-Tran Software, Scrunch Software, Spirit Software, Squeeze Play Software, StenoCAT Software, Stenograph Software. Stenograph Case Catalyst Software, Stenograph Premier Power Software, Stenotran, StenoMask and Steno Mask Reporter Software. Stenovations Software, Summation Software, TurboCAT Software Tiny-Tran and TinyTran Software. Travelling Transcript Software, Verbatim Reporting Software, XScribe and X-Scribe Software, XEC 2001 Software, XEC-5 Software and XMAX Software. If you can make ASCII files from Microsoft Word, MS-Word and MSWord or WordPerfect or Word Perfect, ProTEXT will work for you.
ProTEXT can be used by Court Reporters, Real Time Reporters, Law Office and litigation support depts. A Videographer would use ProTEXT after Video Depositions, videotaped depositions, legal videographer, freelance videography. Videographers and Court Videographers use ProTEXT. Court Reporting Agencies use ProTEXT and ProDEX. Compare ProTEXT to the E-Transcript viewer or ETranscript viewer. ProDEX delivers Keyword Indexes from your ASCII file. ProDEX Keyword Indexing Software for Litigation Support, Law Office and legal departments. Legal Wizard, Internet Realtime, Litigation Support people use our products. Transcript Keyword Index.
Some call this process mini transcript or mini transcripts, 4-up printing, 4 per page printing, paper saving printing, condensing, condensed printing, compressed transcripts, multi pages, condensed transcripts or condensed transcript. We are specialists in court reporting software, court reporter software. Our older products were: CRP, Court Reporter Pro, CRI, Court Reporter Index, TOPS Text Output Paper Saver and ASCII Print Pro.


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